Monday, July 24, 2006

A couple thought-provoking articles

In this first one, notice the multiple ethnicities of the Jewish people living in Israel.

Here's an excerpt:

"At the Russian-language bookstore next to the post office... Another rocket exploded in a northern suburb of Haifa just after 2:45 p.m., hitting a compound of temporary housing for 450 Ethiopian immigrants, 230 of them children. The missile...caused no casualties despite spraying shrapnel and dirt..."

Consider the multiple ethnicities - Russians, Ethiopians, etc... - of the Jewish people living in Israel. We should be in prayer for the Jewish people all over the world - not only the ones in the physical country of Israel.

In this second one, notice the foolishness of the expert-scientists in their comments on the snake / primate race to evolve more favorably in order to save themselves from one another. Absolutely ridiculous.

I can't resist posting a few excerpts from this article, just so you don't miss the humor:

"Primates went a particular route," Isbell told LiveScience. "They focused on improving their vision to keep away from [snakes]. Other mammals couldn't do that. Primates had the pre-adaptations to go that way." Harry Greene, an evolutionary biologist and snake expert at Cornell University in New York, says Isbell's new idea is very exciting. "It strikes me as a very special piece of scholarship and I think it's going to provoke a lot of thought," Greene said.

It's as if the primates justed "willed" their own evolution. Wouldn't it be great if you and I could "focus on improving our vision" to see spiritual truth more clearly? Notice that "other mammals couldn't do that. Primates had the pre-adaptations to go that way." It's as if the scientists really do think that primates decided to enhance their vision by sheer "will." And don't you love the expert opinion: Harry Greene, an evolutionary biologist and snake-expert, is struck by this new theory. He calls it thought-provoking and avery special piece of scholarship. It's a very ridiculous piece of nonsense.

"The [snakes] had to do something to get better at finding their prey, so that's where venom comes in," Isbell said. "The snakes upped the ante and then the primates had to respond by developing even better vision."

Since primates were so successful at "willing" their vision improvements, the snakes decided to "will" their own improvements. Can you believe that they "upped the ante" and "willed" the evolution of venom? I wonder if they had the pre-adaptations for this. Where did those pre-adaptations come from? And notice that the primates responded in this evolutionary poker match by calling the snakes' bet and raising it with an additional vision improvement. Who won th hand? Snakes and primates are still in business, so I guess neither was busted in that round. I wonder if scientists think that primates and snakes are continuing to play this game. What will the snake "will" next? Wings? Hands? What will the primates "will" next? How about venom to strike back at the snakes? Oh, wait, they don't have the pre-adaptations for that. I forgot.

"Snakes and people have had a long history; it goes back to long before we were people in fact," he said. "That might sort of explain why we have such extreme attitudes towards snakes...

Way back when people weren't people, people who weren't people didn't like snakes. I wonder if Adam and Eve had a fear of snakes after they exited the Garden of Eden.

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