Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Romans 8:27

And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.

The Spirit prays for us according to God’s Will that God would bring to pass in time the decisions and circumstances that would most magnify Christ in our lives, and this happens especially when we are at a loss as to what the specific will of God is in a particular circumstance, because of our weakness. Notice here in both v26 and 27 that we have two intercessors before the Heavenly Father. Christ lives at the right hand of God always interceding for the saints; and the Holy Spirit indwells us, interceding. Picture a dog on the earth trying to speak to his master, a man, who happens to be in the far reaches of the galaxy, without either of them having a telephone or radio device, or even speaking the same language for that matter. Now picture yourself praying to God. It’s the same sort of thing. We have neither the right nor the ability to speak to God apart from our intercessors. So picture a man praying to God. The prayer doesn’t even get out of the man’s mind. But the Spirit is there, indwelling the man, and serving as a telephone or radio device, complete with a translator to make sense out of the man’s babbling. And picture Christ on the other hand, serving as the telephone or radio device, indeed the mediator of the conversation, with God the Father on our behalf.

There is this huge encouragement in prayer, that the Father knows the mind of the Spirit. Paul is saying that the Holy Spirit expresses our heart’s longings perfectly to the Heavenly Father. And they are perfectly understood by the Heavenly Father, even if we can’t quite comprehend them ourselves. It’s so easy for us to become discouraged in prayer because we do it so badly, and we don’t know what to say. But every prayer that the Spirit renders up through our groanings is in perfect accordance with the will of God Almighty. It’s just like the intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ, where He says, “Not My will, but Your will be done.” And every groan, every sigh, every moan, every unuttered and unutterable expression, every word that gets stuck in the throat and cannot come out, the Spirit makes it to be as acceptable and understandable as the intercession of our perfect Mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ. Picture Jeremiah in chapter 20. He’s begging God to end his life. He’s cursing the day that he was born. He has no clue. He is so torn up inside that he doesn’t know what to pray. And the Spirit is taking that prayer and correcting it even as it goes up. Picture David lifting up his broken sentences. He wails, “How long, oh Lord?” And the Spirit is rendering it up in perfect accordance with the will of the Heavenly Father in such a way that He turns it into Scripture and makes it a model prayer for us…. (( Picture Elijah in 1 Kings 19 desiring death, as he thought he was the last one of God’s people. But God said, “No. I’ve got 7000 suffering servants.” And God gave him a new commission and a buddy named Elisha. Picture Paul, being persecuted for preaching the word and perhaps thinking of moving to a different town as his message was not being heard. And God appears and says, “I have many people here.” And Paul stayed for 18 more months)) …. That’s the work of the Spirit in us even today. And how comforting it is that the God of the universe is working in you and in me to will and to act according to His good purposes (Philippians 2:13).

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