Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Fountain

I'm ashamed to admit that I wasted 91 minutes of my life last night watching this title-linked Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz film that should have never been made. The film had some neat scenery, but the varying time dimensions were hard-to-follow. The message was that death is a disease; Jackman's character throughout the film is obsessed with finding a cure, finding immortality on earth, as his wife (Weisz) suffers and dies from a brain tumor. Sadly, but as you would expect, there is no mention of Jesus Christ - the resurrection and the life - in the film; however, it did contain Biblical imagery (the Tree of Life) and a quote or two from the Good Book (most notably Genesis 3:24). I couldn't tell what the point of the film was. Perhaps that's just it - it had no point. It was a mind-numbing, a-musing film that, perhaps contrary to its intention, gave me ample to think about. But don't waste your time.

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