Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Truth and...(3)


Is there such a thing a contradicting truths? No. When truths appear to be contradicting one another, we have what's called antinomy.
The image above depicts two truths (man's responsibility or accountability and God's sovereignty) that may appear to be contradictions. But they are compatible. It has been suggested by the creator of this image that we as finite humans may not be able to figure out how the two views are compatible, but I have been blessed with a sound understanding of it. I may not be able to convey it in such a way that you can grasp it, but it is not antinomy in my mind.

Once again, we return to the age of the earth. Whatever the truth is, say 6114 years old. There can be no contradictory truth in this regard. The earth cannot be both 6114 years old and 4.2 billion years old. No matter how close you bring the numbers (even 1 year apart), the truth is still true and the other answer is still false. In secular environments, and sadly in Christian circles as well, contradictory truths are commonly taught and espoused.

For example, to follow Jesus is to be conformed into His image. Christians are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so that we think like Jesus. Indeed, Christians have the mind of Christ. Thus, if Jesus knows something to be true (that homosexual acticity is sinful behavior), then Christians need to agree with Jesus on the matter. If Christians hold that homosexual activity is not sinful behavior, then we are living in contradiction. We are claiming to follow Jesus; yet we are not following Jesus. This is hypocrisy, notably the number one reason people avoid the church.

Thus right doctrine - to agree with Jesus' teaching - is crucial. But following Jesus' living is equally crucial. The idea is Coram Deo. Since we live before the face of God, we ought to live like we live before the face of God. Let our life and our doctrine match up with one another. 1 Timothy 4:16 says, "Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers."

Truth and conversation. Truth and confusion. Truth and conflict. Truth and contradiction. What's next? Truth and context....

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