Monday, April 21, 2008

Expelled: No Intellignce Allowed

I saw and enjoyed Ben Stein's documentary on opening night (Friday, April 18). I thought it was well done, with the first half quite funny and engaging, and the second rather serious and even more engaging. You'll see lots of reviews and comments, many of which negative and harsh due to the emotional nature this topic (creation vs evolution, or more appropriately for the film, intelligent design vs darwinian or macro-evolution). The film contains segments of interviews with prominent scientists and philosophers worldwide, including Charles Dawkins.

Dawkins is mocked throughout the film for darwinian evolution, which he demands is "fact" despite repeatedly admitting that he doesn't know how it could be possible. One suggestion Dawkins and others have is that of panspermia, the idea that aliens,
after evolving far beyond anything humanity has experienced, seeded the earth with life. They must be running a giant (at least from our perspective) ant farm experiment! Another possibility, according the darwinians is that life spontaneously formed via mutations on the backs of crystals. Ben Stein gets a giggle, yet with confused sadness, out of that suggestion.

The point of the film is to show that a darwinian worldview has constructed a wall around itself, including and especially around the "science" of higher academia, in order to keep "impossible" views from entering the discussion. After panspermia and mutations of crystals are far more likely causes of life than an intelligent designer, right?!

In the end, Stein clearly shows that there is bias, indeed outright discrimination, against many if not all who dare suggest even the mere possibility of an intelligent designer of life. Panspermia is fine; spontaneous mutation on the backs of crystals is fine; but one must never bring th supernatural into science. That is forbidden. And why? Stein points out that if the brilliant scientists of our nation in particular were granted the opportunity to research their theories and hypotheses with the speculation of ID rather than the failing speculation of darwinism, then true science might actually blossom into discoveries we can't imagine. At the very least, there is nothing to lose. Darwinism is a losing effort. Let some folks jump off and go a different direction. Nobody is saying that everybody has to go that way. It's a matter of control, and the darwinists are scared of losing what they've worked so hard to obtain; and it's not science. It's control.

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