Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Do you pray? Albert Mohler spoke of a report on his radio program yesterday that said something like 73% of Americans have prayed in the last week. Great. Weekly prayer for 3/4 of our nation. I wonder what percentage of those who claim to pray at least one per week pray daily, or even 3 times per day as was the custom of Daniel, or even continually, as the Apostle Paul commands in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. And I wonder how many of those professing prayers pray to the Biblical God. My guess is that the number dwindles from 73% to a petty figure indeed.

And that brings me to me. I pray. I'd count myself among the 73% that pray weekly. I'd even consider, though carefully, that I pray daily. But what does that mean? Of what does prayer consist? Do I speak to God and thank Him for blessings and ask Him for things? Sure. Do I simply look at creation and marvel? Yes. Is that a prayer? I don't know. One thing I do know - I need to pray more. More frequently and more fervently. I need to pray more, because I need to be closer to God. Prayer brings intimacy, not so much God closer to us, but us closer to God.

So let's pray. Tomorrow, Thursday, May 1, is the National Day of Prayer. And my prayer today is that America would pray tomorrow. It doesn't have to be a cleverly worded or complete prayer, but it sure would be great if it followed the A-C-T-S outline. It needs to be a prayer of ADORATION of the Biblical God, for His holiness and righteousness and grace and mercy and l-o-n-g suffering and love; it needs to be a prayer of CONFESSION for the grievous sins of our nation as a corporate entity, and for the sins of our congregations, especially regarding divorce (immorality and idolatry), and for the sins of ourselves as individuals. We need forgiveness and repentance, and God grants it as we adore Him and confess to Him our transgressions. The prayer needs to be a prayer of THANKSGIVING, for apart from Him we can do nothing - as a nation, as local congregations, as families, and as individuals. For what are we most thankful? It ought to be spiritual blessings of life - the Fruit of the Spirit - that transform our earthly existences. And finally, it ought to be a prayer of SUPPLICATION. We need to ask God for restoration and renewal, for courage and consistency; and we need to ask that He not leave us to ourselves, for we would surely falter. We need Him to bless us in every way.

Christians are to be a praying people, and there's no better time to pray than now. Join thousands of Americans on Thursday, May 1, the National Day of Prayer, in lifting up our nation, our congregations, our families, and our selves, to the Biblical God.

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