Thursday, December 03, 2009

Scientists' Motives

The search for knowledge? Not always.

"Suppression, manipulation and secrecy...inspired by ideology, condescension and profit"? Sadly so. These are the words of United States Representative James Sensenbrenner, a republican from Wisconsin, responding to the recently leaked controversial e-mails to the White House regarding climate change.

Dubbed by some conservative bloggers, "climategate," there appears to be some purposely exaggerated data to help make the case for global warming, which of course, for those hoping for policy changes from the administration, would encourage the President to take aggressive action more promptly. Sensenbrenner accused certain scientists, namely Phil Jones and John Holdren, of "scientific fascism" and "scientific McCarthyism," and he cited one Jones' e-mail, which read, "I would like to see the climate change happen so the science could be proved right."

Now other scientists have chimed in to declare that these controversial e-mails were on a particular topic that in no way discredits the vast and broad-ranging evidence for the truth of global warming. But that would be expected, right? Doesn't this whole revelation is an episode that gives additional credence to Ben Stein's documentary, "Expelled." Presuppositions are all the more evident as being the set of ideas (ideology) that guides how a person interprets evidence; sadly, even the most intellectual people, have lost sight of their own. Romans 1:22 sums it up nicely, saying, "Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools."

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